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percentage method中文是什么意思

用"percentage method"造句"percentage method"怎么读"percentage method" in a sentence


  • 百分率法


  • Component percentage method shows quickly the relative impor ? tance of current and noncurrent assets as well as the relative amount of financing obtained from current creditors , long - term creditors , and stockholders
  • Time delay was chosen by using autocorrelation function method and mutual information method , while reconstruct dimension was obtained by g - p saturation correlation dimension method and false nearest neighbor percentage method . furthermore , initial neighborhood radius was computed by the estimated noise level based on the g - p saturation correlation dimension method . secondly , a noise reduction of the inflow time series was carried out by chaotic nonlinear local projection noise reduction method , and the effects on noise to chaotic characteristics and state reconstruction parameters were discussed
    采用g - p关联维法计算关联维数; rosenstein法和kantz法计算最大lyapunov指数;重构相空间的延迟时间采用了自相关函数法和互信息量法;嵌入维数采用了饱和关联维法和伪邻近点法;初始领域半径的选取采用了基于g - p关联维法的噪声水平的初始估计方法。
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